AII Round table“Better together: academic and business world for social, cultural, economic growth of the Adriatic-Ionian Region”
25 May 2023 - 09:30-11:00h (CEST) Venue: Congress Centre of Hotel Holiday, Sarajevo (Main room)
Learning is a lifelong journey and does not happen only through academic training. Formal education is still an important part of the journey, but learning goes beyond the comfort of school and university. What we learn at school and university doesn’t necessarily prepare us for the corporate world. Through formal education we gain some of the knowledge, skills and connections required to get ahead, but since the world is constantly changing, we also need to constantly update the knowledge and skills we have. Academic programmes need to adapt to the needs of the business world. At the same time, the business world needs the support of academia to integrate the most up-to-date technologies and achievements coming from scientific research.
The challenge we face is to invest in human capital and create training paths with a practical cut. In this process, the Universities need to involve students in the decision-making process to better understand their needs and to help them in building a better future.
Policy makers and stakeholders take part in the process by promoting initiatives aiming at reinforcing the sense of belonging to the Adriatic-Ionian Region for young generation, on being part of a single territory that offers opportunities with the aim of “moving from a ‘brain drain’ to a ‘brain gain and brain circulation dynamic’ in the Region”.
Joint research, joint programmes and structured student mobilities are some of the tools put in place by the three Fora, in close cooperation with the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative and European Commission – DG Regio, to boost the development of the Adriatic-Ionian region, to involve young people and discourage brain drain.
During the AII Round table the representatives of universities will go deep into the connection between academic and business world, also by presenting best practices such as the Erasmus + Consortium “Uniadrion Italy”, the “Western-Balkaship” mobility programme, the Capacity Building “ESN-AIR” project and others.
Moderator: Eleonora Tramannoni, Executive Officer, Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce
Welcome speeches and introduction:
● Amb. Fabio Pigliapoco, Head of Permanent Secretariat of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative
● Amb. Milos Prica, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, EUSAIR/AII National Coordinator
● Prof. Andrea Perna, Secretary General of UniAdrion
● Mr. Marko Šantić, President Chamber of Economy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, member of Forum AIC
● Ms. Jelena STJEPČEVIĆ, Head of office for international cooperation of the Municipality of Kotor, Member of FAIC Executive Board
Keynote address: Ms. Silvia Mangialardo, Head of International Relations Office, Marche Polytechnic University, ERASMUS + Consortium “Uniadrion Italy”
● Mr. Jovo Ateljevic, Professor of Economics at the University of Banja Luka
● Ms. Anna Cingoli, Project Assistant, Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce – Western-Balkaship mobility project
● Ms. Layla Jusko, Young European Ambassador – Bosnia & Herzegovina winner of the EUSAIR ACADEMY YOUTH CONTEST, EUSAIR4Youth project
● Ms. Ava Ghasemi, President of ESN Ancona, and Ms. Razija Arikan, President of ESN Mostar, ESN-AIR project
Q&A session
Click here for the official Registration.